In my time as an "SJW" - I've watched as identity-group after identity-group is attacked and throws themselves on their own swords and screams injustice and #NotAll
Right now it's mostly #NotAllJews and "Criticisms of Israel are only encouraging anti-semitism and are veiled hate on all Jews"
Isn't it funny that it's #NotAllJews but all criticism of Israel - they insist - is somehow All Jews (even though - TTBOMK - the word "Israel" and the word "Jews" are only partially overlapping Venn circles).
But be it Israel committing genocide in Gaza (a former Manhattan that they've turned into their personal Soweto hell on earth open-air prison and gas chamber for what remains of the indigenous peoples of former Palestine), or Christians murdering blacks or homosexuals or other "undesirables", or Americans murdering thousands of Arabs and Muslims in the middle east, or funding and supplying arms and logistical aid to the Saudi princes in their genocide in Yemen - or American corporations destituting this nation's middle class and destruction of what remains of our common grounds for fun and profits; or whether it is along racial lines pointing out western white people's penchant for denying the existence of 400+ years of chattel racist slavery and utterly amoral theft of Humans and their families and their futures and an entire continent's culture and prospects for laughs, cruelty, and profits; or whether it is males and our penchant for rape and brutality whenever we seem to feel we can get away with it - using our social power to subjugate the women in our workplaces or those we are sworn to protect in the precincts we patrol or in our own homes with those took an oath to cherish, or our neighborhoods with those who are vulnerable and defenseless...
It matters not what Identity-Group is challenged.
They all scream like a stuck-pig - Gnashing their teeth - screaming that "I AM THE REAL VICTIM HERE!" and - your actions are cruel to us!!! And but #not#all and #not #I and you are only "Strengthening Our Enemies" and you are a "Traitor" to "Our People."
All who rush to defend perpetrators of Evil -
Should know who you are. Should know yourselves. Should honor your great sacrifices in running defense for others because you believe that your common connection - whatever that is - religion, birthplace, color of skin, sex - makes you a sort of kin - and that somewhere in your sick head - you believe that true love means not allow your brethren to face their demons and protecting them from looking in a mirror to see who and what they truly are.
Where did you learn this sick version of "love"?
Who taught you that love is keeping others from consciousness?
When did you decide that loving was keeping each other in the dark, in ignorance, enthralled to your most base natures and unable to change or learn or transform into something more beautiful?
I challenge your belief in what LOVE is.
I name your "love" SICKNESS and EVIL.
I dare you to GROW YOUR HEART THREE SIZES today, and hold YOURSELF and those around you ACCOUNTABLE.
Nobody is perfect. You cannot possibly be perfect.
But that is #NoExcuse to not try, and when you fail, to own your failure as proof of your humanity, common connection to all of us, and to get up and learn from your mistakes and DO BETTER NEXT TIME.