Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Community isn't a dirty word

The need to be a part of a community, and share the rewards of our combined efforts, is inherent to all social orders.
How fairly or unfairly we distribute the rewards vs. the hardships - that's the real question.
Americans have been made fools.
We've been led to believe that Capitalism - "Free Markets" - are able to reward the self-disciplined and useful, while penalizing the lazy and unhelpful.
That's pure-as-new-blown-snow bullshit. But Americans eat it like it's freaking sugar!
Only in some western style societies are people actually so duped by the bling of media and propaganda that they actually think that they're benefitting greatly from a system that is slowly but surely taking away their freedoms[1], their money[2], and their safety[3].
[1] Our ability to elect anyone fairly has been nullified. Our ability to communicate with one another without the government or corporations storing and possibly using that information against us has been annihilated. Our laws protecting whistleblowers who do the patriotic thing have been nullified. Our protections for Journalists have been replaced with the arbitrary imprisonment of Journalists in the name of "Freedom." Our separation of powers has been eroded. Our 3-part government has had much of its power concentrated in the executive branch. Our congress has abdicated its power and check/balance power wrt wars. Our judiciary has been stuffed with highly inappropriate and ideologically minded thugs. Our Police have been militarized - with massive amounts of "military surplus" going to local law enforcement agencies who've seen their mandates change from "serve and protect" to "enforce the will of the rich upperclass - with free reign to murder in broad daylight minorities."
[2] Poor as a class is expanding steadily since the 1980s. Middle-class and upper middle-class have been shrinking. The dollar has massively lost value over that time span. Income levels have stagnated since the housing collapse in 2008, and had been exceedingly sluggish due to two prior recessions[4], none of which have we actually recovered from, except for the extremely wealthy.
[3] As America and much of NATO continues to splurge on machines of death and destruction, and their global policy is theft of resources and fomenting of social unrest anywhere that has resources of interest to American Empire, it has spawned massive numbers of hopeless and desperate and very angry people whose greatest aspirations in life are to blow up Americans and Westerners in as large a number as possible by any means possible.
[4] Our recessions are direct result of CAPITALISM. GREED. OVERREACH by the extremely wealthy. We the people pay for them in lost wages, lost retirement accounts, ruined housing values, lost jobs, lost benefits, while the rich simply profit or have a short break in their general massive trend towards profiting.
One could add that this "Land of Freedom" is the most violent and oppressive regime that the planet has ever known. Murdering folks every single day - in more wars than any other nation in history, continuing genocide on its own minorities and many abroad, aggressively fomenting civil unrest, funding terrorism, being the worlds largest arms dealer, using WMDs on a regular basis (white phosphor, depleted uranium, giant bombs, economic sanctions that amount to mass murder of the aged, the young, and the poor).
We actively oppose all democratically elected governments and actively rig other nations elections in favor of creating puppet states we can manipulate and steal resources from unhindered.

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