Friday, December 30, 2016

Power Corrupts, but some people never weren't...

I agree with the basic premise that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I wish I could be more on the "Obama was a good man who was corrupted by the system" bandwagon! I really, really do! It would make my life SOOOOOooooo much easier with my family and liberal friends.
But... I cannot. I daresay he was corrupted as a senator - and very likely well before that.
I say that because his very first decisions after winning the general were to hire wall street execs, and lash out at progressives for being too nosey about his administration's early choices and decisions - exactly the opposite of what he said he'd do (run the most open administration in history - nothing like GW).
Pelosi announced that investigations were off the table.
He started the health care negotiations by PUBLICLY walking backwards BEFORE the first CLOSED meetings with Republicans.
It was like he punched me and all progressives squarely in the gut non-stop for the first two years of his administration.
Excuse after excuse about not floating progressive legislation.
Excuses for not using the supermajority he / the Dems had.
Excuses for not even using single payer as a bargaining tool against the rethugs.
Sidestepping racial justice issues.
Actually admonishing POC for not being good boys & girls in the face of various rank racist incidents at the time.
Blaming his / the democrats massive hemorrhaging loss in 2010 on progressives!!!! On the very people he shut out and told to fuck themselves instead of have some sort of rapport with.
No, he was a colossal asshat from day 1. I cannot. I will not. I shall not forget, nor make excuses for the POS of a failure of a human being to do what the fuck he was elected and preached about doing.
He rode a progressive wave of enthusiasm similar to Bernie's - but was FAR less honest about his positions than Bernie was. Bernie may not be ideal, but I honestly believe Bernie believes in the common American.
Obama was an elitist pretending to be a populist - saying just the right things - smiling that big white-toothy smile, and looking damn good on camera with that twinkle in his eye.
I feel fucked by a high-priced hooker that I thought really wanted to be with *me*, not my *money*.

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